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Trusting Your Gut: A Dental Nurses Journey

12 / 08 / 2024

From Comfort Zone to Growth Zone: How Trusting My Gut Led to a Thriving Career

Have you ever felt stuck in a comfortable job, even when you know you crave growth? This was me as a dental nurse. For over six years, I had thrived in a small village practice, but due to being in a long distance relationship, the time had come where it felt like the right time to make a change, but I want to show you how trusting your gut can lead to great opportunities for growth. This blog post is about taking the leap, trusting your gut, and how it can unlock amazing career opportunities.

From Village Practice to Big City Dreams

Since 2018, I’ve cherished my role as a dental nurse. My first practice, nestled in a village, nurtured my skills under a supportive dentist. However, after years of commuting to see my partner the call to move became impossible to ignore. Leaving a comfortable, familiar environment was daunting. Self-doubt crept in. “Can I handle the increased workload of a busy practice?” “Will I adapt to different clinicians’ working styles?” “Will they even train me properly?” These anxieties echoed in my head.

The Power of Gut Feeling

Here’s the secret weapon that helped me overcome these fears: trusting my gut. It’s the same intuition that led me to become a dental nurse in the first place. When considering a new role, visualize yourself working there. Does it resonate with your values as a nurse? There’s just a certain “feeling” you get when you walk into the right place. The same goes for starting a new job! Trust that feeling!

Taking the Leap: 6 Months In

Fast forward six months at my new practice in Reading. The imposter syndrome has melted away. I genuinely look forward to going to work every day! If I hadn’t have taken that leap of faith, I wouldn’t be working at Olive Tree Dental, with some amazing colleagues, continually learning and growing as a Dental Nurse.

This experience solidified the importance of following my gut in career decisions. It’s more than just being in the right place at the right time – it’s about actively seeking that perfect fit.

So, if you’re feeling stuck in a comfort zone, but a yearning for growth simmers within, take a chance and trust your gut. It just might unlock a dream opportunity you never knew existed.

Tip for Dental Nurses searching for their next role:

When considering a new role, visualize yourself working there.

Ask the following questions:

The “right” place often has a certain positive feeling when you walk in. Trust that feeling during your job search and good luck!

Grace McBride
Diploma in Dental Nursing Level 3 QCF City & Guilds 2020

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