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  • 250 South Oak Way
  • Reading, RG2 6UG
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Meet Jo: Your New Hygienist at Olive Tree Dental in Reading!

12 / 07 / 2024

Hi, I’m Jo, and I am thrilled to join the Olive Tree Dental team! I wanted to introduce myself to you and share some valuable tips and ideas about oral health care.

Caring for your mouth is vital in order to maintain a healthy smile and good functionality of your teeth. What does a healthy mouth mean to you? A healthy mouth may mean being disease and pain-free, looking great when you smile, or being able to eat with confidence. It may also be something that you haven’t really given much thought to. Here’s where I can help.

I believe it is really important that my patients know and understand their mouths, whether there are restorations, missing teeth, gum disease, erosion, or a high caries rate. No one can look after your mouth as well as you can, given the right tools and advice.

There are so many dental products on the market, and even I can find the supermarket shelves quite daunting with the number of different products claiming different results. The best tool for each patient is the one that works best within their own mouth and is easiest to use. I use disclosing agents to highlight areas missed with your current oral hygiene regime and help find the best routine and brushes for effective plaque removal.

So, what is plaque, and what defines gum disease? Plaque is a bacterial deposit that builds up on all hard surfaces of the mouth and can become a catalyst for gum disease if left to build into a more complex biofilm. Gum disease is your body’s response to this plaque, causing inflammation, bleeding, and can lead to bone loss and eventual tooth mobility. Everyone has a different response to this biofilm; some have a faster, more exaggerated response, and others have a much lower response level. Either way, removing the plaque on a daily basis is vital to reduce this risk.

As I begin my journey at Olive Tree Dental, I am excited to work with each of you to achieve your oral health goals. Whether it’s through personalized care plans, recommending the best products, or simply providing guidance, I am here to support you. Let’s embark on this journey together towards a healthier, brighter smile. Thank you for welcoming me to the Olive Tree family!

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